Journal publications
*Indicates undergraduate student co-author
26. J. Strobelt, M. Van Soelen*, H. Abourahma, and D. J. McGee, “Supramolecular azopolymers for dynamic surface microstructures using digital polarization optics”, accepted for publication in Advanced Optical Materials, January 2023.
25. J. Strobelt, D. Stolz, M. Leven, M. Van Soelen*, L. Kurlandski*, H. Abourahma, and D. J. McGee, “Optical microstructure fabrication using structured polarized illumination“, Optics Express, 30(5), 7308, (2022).
24. J. Krüger, N. Bolle* , T. Calvelo*, S. Bergmann, H. Abourahma, and D. J. McGee, “Optical reconfiguration of surface relief gratings on supramolecular polymer films using grating translation and superposition”, Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 243108 (2019).
23. D. J. McGee, J. Ferrie*, A. Plachy, Y. Joo, J. Choi, C. Kanimozhi, and P. Gopalan, “Photo-induced refractive index and topographical surface gratings in functionalized nanocarbon solid film”, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 181102 (2015).
22. D. J. McGee, C. Huang, M. Kim, J. W. Choi, M. A. Eriksson, and P. Gopalan, “Molecular orientation and photoswitching kinetics on single-walled carbon nanotubes by optical second harmonic generation”, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 264101 (2012).
Complete list found here
Conference publications
3. J. Strobelt, M. Van Soelen*, and D. J. McGee, “Direct laser writing of micrograting arrays using a spatial light modulator”, to be presented at SPIE Photonics West, January 2023.
2. J. Strobelt, D. Stolz, M. Leven, L. Kurlandski*, H. Abourahma, and D. J. McGee, “One-step fabrication of surface relief dot-matrix holograms using supramolecular azopolymer thin films”, Proc. SPIE 11710, Practical Holography XXXV: Displays, Materials, and Applications, 1171008 (5 March 2021); doi: 10.1117/12.2582763
1. T.H. Stievater, W.S. Rabinovich, H.S. Newman, R. Mahon, P.G. Goetz, J.L. Ebel, and D. J. McGee, “Measurement of thermal-mechanical noise in MEMS microstructures”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4983, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems III, (Dec 2003).
Conference presentations
38. J. Strobelt, D. Stolz, M. Leven, L. Kurlandski*, and D. J. McGee, “Nanoimprint Lithography for the Replication of Optical Microstructures on Azopolymer Thin Films”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany, June 2021.
37. J. Krüger, T. Calvelo, N. Bolle*, I. Reed*, S. Masiuk*, R. Conwell*, and D. J. McGee, “Optically reconfigurable surface microstructures on polymeric thin films”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/European Quantum Electronics Conference, Munich, Germany, June 2019.
36. K. Herman*, J. Krüger, C. Mileham*, N. Bolle*, H. Abourahma, and D. J. McGee, “Probing the Hydrogen Bond in Photoresponsive Supramolecular Azobenzene-Polymer Films”, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2018.
35. E. Graff*, D. Curran*, D. J. McGee, and H. Abourahma, “Crystal engineering of azobenzene cocrystals with non-linear optical properties”, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2017.
Complete list found here